CNC welding

Is it about meeting the increasingly stringent requirements of, among other things, welding for certain industries? Then Pillen leads the way. As a supplier, we have an obligation to you as a customer to comply with the requirements and regulations.

We use various welded connections to make or connect sheet metal or plate material from various types of metal.

Pillen has a diverse machine park in its welding department with various manual devices, but also works with various robot setups.

Welding methods

  • MIG/MAG welding;
  • TIG welding;
  • Autogenous welding;
  • Spot welding.

We also have welding engineers for your specialist welding wishes or requirements. This allows us to develop specific ‘Welding Method Qualifications’ (LMKs) for your products.

What is CNC welding?

CNC welding is the joining of two or more pieces of metal. The welded pieces are virtually impossible to break.

How does CNC welding work?

When welding, sheet material (metal) is heated at a specific spot (by an electric arc) until the material becomes liquid. Then the welding wire connects the sheet metal to another piece of sheet metal. In this way, 2 or more metal parts are welded together.

The correct welded connection is determined depending on the application. There are several types of welding techniques such as:

  • MIG;
  • TIG;
  • Autogenous;
  • Electrode welding and;
  • Laser welding.

Want to know more about CNC welding?

Do you have a question and/or comment or? Please do not hesitate to contact us. You can call or email us. You can reach us via the contact form. We will then contact you as soon as possible.

Opening hours

By phone: 08.00 – 16.45 hrs

Visiting hours: 08.00 – 17.00 hrs

Expedition: 08.00 – 16.15 hrs
